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Designer of learning experiences, researcher, interdisciplinary visionary, lifelong learner

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My Professional Goals

Finding a balance between research efforts to move the field forward and also to translate science into practice by proactively engaging in design for adult learners. My particular research interests include interdisciplinary and competency-based education.


In turn, best practices that are not yet fully explored by the field of learning design but that have shown promise in practice or in other fields also ignite my research curiosity and the need to understand benefits and implications. 


About The Portfolio

This portfolio reflects diverse sides of my professional intent. However, it is also just a snapshot of the current state of my interests and endeavors. Learning and professional growth are an integral part of my identity, therefore, I will continue exploring processes, fields, and subjects to inform my own research, teaching, and design experiences.

Research & Scholarship

This section details out my research interests, including competencies, competency-based education, interdisciplinary education, and lifelong learning. However, I am also interested in exploring best practices and how they can inform my research.

teaching & Learning

This section reflects my foundational beliefs about teaching and learning, as well as teaching experience in a higher education and professional environments.

DESIGN& Development

This section includes examples of my design and development experience in a face-to-face, online, and blended learning environments in higher education and professional environments.

I am fascinated by:

  • the impact of design - instructional and visual - on our learning

  • the power of visuals

  • the interplay of diverse fields that help us explain reality

  • the power of choice and autonomy on individual learning pathways in a competency-based and/or interdisciplinary environments

I do:

Mixed-Methods Research

eLearning    Blended Learning

Learning Design

Multimedia Learning

Information Visualization

Data Analysis & Visualization




I view learning design as

multifaceted and interdisciplinary, while combining the following aspects:

Learning Design as a...

I have adapted the four definitions by Sara McNeil , and added an additional one to reflect my vision


a systematic development of instruction using learning and instructional theories and principles that allow to ensure its quality. It is the entire process from the analysis of needs to the development of materials, and evaluation of learner success and the program as a whole


a branch of knowledge focused on research and theory about instructional strategies and the process for developing and implementing those strategies in diverse formats and environments.

ID Diagram_sm_edited.png

a framework for development, implementation, evaluation, and maintenance of learning at all levels of complexity. I would also add that as a science, ID should be interdisciplinary in nature, not only in terms of the content developed by ID professionals, but also because to be effective, it should adopt and reflect steps forward made in other fields: from psychology to design


a reflective process that is informed by reality and is in turn helps designers reflect reality in learning


I would also add that while science and reality play a key role in the design of learning experiences, visual design, avoiding the interruption of the flow within the learning environment, and other strategies to make the learning experience engaging play are inherent parts of instructional design. A good visual and aesthetically sound design can help address meta-cognitive needs, create motivation, awake pleasure, and support overall engagement.

Instructional designer: competency-based and interdisciplinary learning experiences, researcher, visionary, lifelong learner

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